Dear Sophie,
Today you turned 7 months old. We took you to the govt clinic for your usual checkup. No jabs this time, just weight and that's all. According to the nurse you next one is only when you turn 1 year old. So I guess, that will be a good thing for you.
You are also continually keeping us on our toes. Just when we thought that we have managed to catch on to your routine, you decided to switch. We thought that we have pretty much figured out your sleeping and eating times last week but this week you decided to change. For some reason you will stay awake after your evening feed and stay active until late at night. Well not really late la (9pm) but compared to your usual time ~7.30pm, can considered a stretch already.
You also are improving on your verbal skills, now instead of mumbling and whining single syllable, you will change syllable within your mumbling and whining. At times it really seem like you are saying something to us, maybe a higher form of language perhaps. At other times it will just seem like you are talking to your self. And then you will also sigh, not the normal sigh, but the 'hrmph!' typr of sigh. Frustrated with your parents' lack of parenting skills? :P
Development wise, you are able
- to reach for your toys,
- give a mean, nasty and painful cubit,
- grab stuff e.g., my nose and mommy's hair
- you can roll over but still not able to crawl. you can lift your but though.
- and oh yeah, how can i forget, you have got your two front teeth. (ooo those nasty little things)
Speaking of teeth, you seen to have a fascination to put anything that you can get hold of into your mouth. First, you'll taste it with your tongue, then you'll start to chew on it. The two things on your favourite list are your fingers and your poor doggie.
Your fingers, i think it's the case of convenience. Cannot grab anything, eat fingers lo. But your doggie.... that's another story. you like to sleep with it but how come you seem to always want to mutilate it by biting on it ah?
Anyway, for all the things that you done to perplex us, you seem to be growing to be cuter by the day. makes me sometimes wonder if you can ever get any cuter. (i think you can)
Labels: letters to girl girl