of old folks home and Mars Rovers....
Wah… been away so, long until this blog feels like something that is very foreign liao ….. (I am sure that in due time the kids will use this against me ). I think maybe facebook have something to do with it… but since FB is not really for archiving and looks more like a reporting tool, I have to capture in blog too laaa so that in the future I can come back and read this to get sentimental when i have nothing to do and things get a bit slow in the old folks home.
Anyway, some updates on Shawn. We (or rather, my mother in law) threw a big birthday party for Ah Shawn for his first birthday. We invited lots of people which is a good thing because People == Presents and $$. The whole party was quite chaotic and everyone had a good time especially Ah Fie. Only one person missing from all the fun was Ah Shawn himself . He was so exited throughout the preparation in the afternoon that he missed his nap and was cranky when we had the party. So for him the party is just: Get Cranky, Sing Birthday Song, Blow Candle, Drink Milk and sleep.
On his Progress, Ah Shawn started to walk about a week or two after his birthday. So I guess that was his birthday present from God. One thing though, Ah Shawn is also in some ways like Ah Fie, he don’t have a good feel of his surrounding and always walk into things. So maybe if God run into this blog post while doing some searches for outdated blog posts, maybe He can consider equipping the next batch of humans that He plan to dispatch with at least some radar capabilities, or at least harder cranial bones.
On the speech portion, Ah Shawn is still not making much progress. He is still babbling and not making any sense to us. He talks a lot (in fact more that the average kid) but it is just that he is not making any sense to us. Or could it be that he has already mastered some other foreign language but it is just us who are not understanding him….. Anyway, he does understands some simple commands like ‘WOI!’, ‘DON’T Touch’, ‘EI!!’ Or ‘Give me!’ or ‘GO to Papa’. In case you were wondering, we didn’t teach him the ‘Go to mommy’ command. He don’t need to be taught that command because it’s already built in. He is like those littlebubbles of liquid metal in Terminator 2 when the T-1000 melted in the steel mill. The little bubbles will work it’s way and joins with others until to form back the T-1000. In other words. You put Ah Shawn anywhere and he will move around like the Mars Rovers until he finds Mommy.
Oh Yeah, Speaking of Mars Rovers, Ah Shawn is kinda like one of those Mars Rovers thingies. He is a very curious boy. Anything and everything will gets his attention (especially dots or dirt on the floor). Ever since he learnt to walk, he just cannot sit still and will walk around the house. When he sees something that strikes his interest, he will reach out to grab it and put into his mouth to analyse. No need for me to take video and upload here because if you want to know what I mean you can maybe search in youtube or something about rovers collection mars soil sample and it will give you some idea of what I mean.

Anyway, some updates on Shawn. We (or rather, my mother in law) threw a big birthday party for Ah Shawn for his first birthday. We invited lots of people which is a good thing because People == Presents and $$. The whole party was quite chaotic and everyone had a good time especially Ah Fie. Only one person missing from all the fun was Ah Shawn himself . He was so exited throughout the preparation in the afternoon that he missed his nap and was cranky when we had the party. So for him the party is just: Get Cranky, Sing Birthday Song, Blow Candle, Drink Milk and sleep.
On his Progress, Ah Shawn started to walk about a week or two after his birthday. So I guess that was his birthday present from God. One thing though, Ah Shawn is also in some ways like Ah Fie, he don’t have a good feel of his surrounding and always walk into things. So maybe if God run into this blog post while doing some searches for outdated blog posts, maybe He can consider equipping the next batch of humans that He plan to dispatch with at least some radar capabilities, or at least harder cranial bones.
On the speech portion, Ah Shawn is still not making much progress. He is still babbling and not making any sense to us. He talks a lot (in fact more that the average kid) but it is just that he is not making any sense to us. Or could it be that he has already mastered some other foreign language but it is just us who are not understanding him….. Anyway, he does understands some simple commands like ‘WOI!’, ‘DON’T Touch’, ‘EI!!’ Or ‘Give me!’ or ‘GO to Papa’. In case you were wondering, we didn’t teach him the ‘Go to mommy’ command. He don’t need to be taught that command because it’s already built in. He is like those littlebubbles of liquid metal in Terminator 2 when the T-1000 melted in the steel mill. The little bubbles will work it’s way and joins with others until to form back the T-1000. In other words. You put Ah Shawn anywhere and he will move around like the Mars Rovers until he finds Mommy.
Oh Yeah, Speaking of Mars Rovers, Ah Shawn is kinda like one of those Mars Rovers thingies. He is a very curious boy. Anything and everything will gets his attention (especially dots or dirt on the floor). Ever since he learnt to walk, he just cannot sit still and will walk around the house. When he sees something that strikes his interest, he will reach out to grab it and put into his mouth to analyse. No need for me to take video and upload here because if you want to know what I mean you can maybe search in youtube or something about rovers collection mars soil sample and it will give you some idea of what I mean.

Labels: Shawn, Shawn's Milestones