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Sunday, December 09, 2007

of letters and ten months...

Dear Sue Yi,

I just realized a while ago that you are now into your tenth month. Time really flies and it seems like only a while ago that i was writing about your ninth month. As i was writing, you are now peacefully asleep with mommy. Yeah, i know, it's only 9.45pm and probably the kids that will grow up in your generation sleep a lot later, but i guess we are more used to putting you to bed early.

Your teeth are continuing to sprout and i think i noticed more rough patched on your upper gums. You already have 4 teeth on your upper jaw and i guess it won't be long before more to come.

You have also been keeping us busy ever since you started to crawl. I guess it's probably due to your curious nature that you tend to crawl every where. Not sure if it will be an indication of the person you will grow up to be, but i do sometimes get the feeling that you will grow up seeing the world. something like that song from alison kraus - gravity:

And the people who love me still ask me,
When are you coming back to town
And I answer quite frankly
When they stop building roads
And all God needs is gravity to hold me down

So if you really grow up travelling ans seeing the world, Can mommy and I come too ah?

Well, by the time you read this, i guess you would have had a few adventures of your own and wherever the path takes you, i guess you will know that I will always be there for you.

hugs and kisses,

