of duckies and froggies...

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Sunday, October 07, 2007

of blogging and one year...

Well well well.... what do we know. Time sure flies fast. If i hadn't know better it would have gotten a few million frequent flyer miles. I just realized that this blog is exactly 1 year old yesterday. Kind of surprising that I managed to sustain this for a year now. Anyway, I guess the reason i blogged was because i wanna document as much as possible my thoughts and experiences about life and especially about Sophie. Who knows, Sophie might grow up to be a famous opera singer or something and I will have ready material to publish an Authorized (or Unauthorized depending on how juicy it turn out) biography. but i guess most importantly is that I wanna document something for her to read when she is on the throne doung her daily business. I guess, life is fragile and sometimes we might miss out something we wanna say, so I guess this is one way to ensure that Sophie get to know what she meant to me.

Also, i guess this will be good material to lay out a guilt trip in case she get into that teenage angst years and hate her parents.
