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Friday, October 06, 2006


Anyway, in the car, wifey told me that she have called her good friend who have already had 2 kids. As usual, she got tons of information (good + bad) on this pregnancy concept which is fairly new to me. Her friend advised her to confirm the pregnancy a lab test. According to her, home test can sometimes give wrong results especially if taken in the morning. Afternoon tests are more accurate. Something to do with the hormone levels at different time of the day.
So anyway, the next day, we went to BP lab for a pregnancy test and the results came back as positive. So, this is the real deal, no second guessing if it is real or not. No wondering if the home kit could have given wrong results because of what she took for lunch. Not to say that mickey Ds have any direct impact, but sometimes their food do look a bit dodgy.

Anyway, I still cannot explain the happyish giddiness feeling. Is it something that people feel when they take drugs? But whatever it is, it sure feels good.
So boys, go out and save money, don’t waste those hard earned cash by buying drugs just to get high. Go and make your wife pregnant and you can get the same effect.

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