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Sunday, January 07, 2007

of club membership and blouse lifting...

Wifey and I just came to the realization that being pregnant is kind of like getting a membership to an exclusive club. I am not sure if the mommies and daddies have experienced this when they were pregnant but we (actually to wifey only, but I just tumpang glamour) seem to have more strangers (not the wiredo stranger type but just the normal stranger) either smiling to us or talking to us. We live in an apartment and sometimes when we were in the lifts people who will not even give two hoots will sudden seem to be friendlier. Out of no where people will be asking things like ‘when will you deliver?’ or just gave us a friendly smiles. Now that girl girl has been growing bigger and wifey’s tummy is really round and protruding in your face out, we get even more people who are asking abt this and that. Even little kids seem to be oogling staring at wifey’s tummy. I guess it must be some kind of fringe benefit of being a parent to be.

One funny incident that wifey related to me is that there was one incident where my BIL explained to his 2 year old son that there is a baby in wifey’s tummy. The little fella then went up to wifey and lift up her blouse to see for himself!

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