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Thursday, December 21, 2006

of wishes and singing...

It’s that time again. Yup you know it and I know it too. It’s that time again when people send out random Christmas wishes emails with heavy graphics of cheesey cartoons of pseudo cutesey photos. Then copies everyone in their distribution loop.
As the kiasu gene in me is potent, I would also like to join the bandwagon to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.
Anyway, my Christmas and New Year wishes for this year are:
1. Wifey to have a safe and trouble free delivery.
2. Girl girl to be healthy and happy to see us. (we are keeping our fingers crossed that she will be happy to see us and not climb back into wifey’s womb)
3. People to wish each other Merry Christmas and not Merry Xmas. I know I am being a pain, but let’s not take Christ out from this celebration. After all it’s His birthday right?
4. Millions of ringgit to miraculously plop in front of my feet and release me of the drudgery called work. (don't ask me how it will happen. aladin never asked the Genie how he will make the 3 wishes come true right?)
5. People to be nice to each other and not to simply call names when sending emails esp. those that are work related.
6. For me to still have the energy and time to continue blogging and not become like this guy.
7. Wifey to prove me wrong on the weight thingy :)

There, 7 wishes, some are a bit far fetched and some are a piece of cake.

Also in this time of celebration, I do like to extend an invitation to everyone to just gatecrash drop by your local church and join them in their singing and merry making. I have always enjoyed singing Christmas carols and I think I am not the only one. If you enjoy singing, then I suggest you just go and join in the singing. I don’t think you’ll have any trouble finding one.
Don’t worry about singing out of tune, Don’t even worry if you sing like Mumbles in Happy Feet. Don’t worry if you do not know the words. Just go and sing because I am certain that you will enjoy it.
