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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

of 'Do i look fat?' and 5takes...

Have you ever been asked a question where you will turn out to be the nasty guy either way you answer it? Like those 'Do i look fat?' kind of question? Well i had one of that question from wifey last nite (although in this case it's a funny one). I was explaining something about the logistic of the show 5takes to wifey and after a few rounds of explanation, wifey finally got it. Then came the question. Wifey asked me if being pregnant had made her brains work more slowly. Being the supportive and say-the-right-thing husband that i am, i instantly answered, 'No lah'. then came the punchline from wifey, "So you mean to say that I am slow all the while lah." Oops... it was then that i realize that i fell for that 'no good answer' type of question.