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Monday, December 04, 2006

of massive traffic jam and certain fishes...

The day finally came. The much anticipated ante natal class is finally here. Like all clueless good and concerned parents to be, we enrolled ourselves to the ante natal class at Pantai Mutiara. The first session was last Friday.
I think probably due to the a few circumstances (read as massive traffic jam from Queensbay mall opening, PC fair, and heavy rain) there were not that many couples who attended the first session. First topic was on health issues during pregnancy. It was a pretty standard lecture on some typical health issues women have but things took a turn for the squeamish when the doctor started showing photos of some of the conditions. There is even one photo of a woman’s cervix that came out and sticking out from her peepee*. eeewww!
The second session was not that traumatizing. It’s about nutrition while being pregnant. I find it interesting that some of the information and advise shared are a bit different from other sources. E.g., some websites that I went to says to avoid/limit certain fishes, but the same fishes were suggest as nutrition.

Overall the first session was pretty ok. We finished ahead of time, refreshments were serves and we got a goodie bag from the hospital too.

*Madam, if you are reading this and the photo is yours, I am sorry for your condition but the photo is really nasty. Anyway, we do appreciate your generosity in sharing the photo for the purpose of our education.