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Thursday, June 28, 2007

of black black face and marie biscuits...

Sophie have been testing wifey’s patience lately. Somehow it seems like her feeding pattern have suddenly changed. She used to be able to take 5 ounces and sleep through the night but somehow that had changed sometime after she hit her 4th month. She will just take maximum of 3 ounce and sometime just stop after a few sips. Our babysitter told wifey that babies when they reached their 4th month will suddenly change their habits. I am not sure if this is what she meant.
Anyway, this new pattern that Sophie has is testing wifey, because she will not drink further and will cringe and struggle if we continue to feed her and then she will ask for milk 2 or 3 hours later. I think the peak of that was last Sunday. I had to send my mom to the hospital to see the doctor due to a nasty fever and when I got back a few hours later, I can see that wifey’s face is already ‘black black’. Immediately I knew that that Sophie have been naughty. Strange thing is she will drink when I feed her. Although sometimes she will pull the refusing to drink stunt on me, she seem to be doing that more on wifey and most times she will stop after an ounce or two when wifey is feeding but when I take over she will continue??! I think maybe she just wanna play and gets bored after a while and need another person to entertain her. In any case I do hope that this phase will pass fast as it is causing wifey some stress.
On another subject, wifey and I heard something rather interesting. Someone (I think it’s either wifey’s mom or someone) mentions that there is an old traditional ritual that people used to carry out when the baby reaches 4 months old. According to this ritual, when a baby reaches her 4th month, the parents is supposed to take a string and make a chain with those Marie ™ biscuits. Then tie it around the baby’s neck and bring her around the neighborhood visiting one household to another. The people that the baby meets in return will take one biscuit and kinda rub it a bit on the baby’s gums to symbolize feeding her. Anyone heard of this before?
