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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

of solids and good mood...

We started Sue Yi on solids yesterday. Well actually not us, but our baby sitter. Our babysitter mentioned to us sometime ago that probably now is a good time to start her on solids. So, last weekend we went out and got a small can of rice cereals and past it to our babysitter yesterday. According to the babysitter, Sue Yi really liked it and ate every bit of the cereal. Our babysitter was mentioning that Sue Yi even looked at her sadly when she finished and walked away with the empty bowl. So it's a good start I guess.

We took Sue Yi to the clinic for her jabs today and it turned out to be quite a pleasant experience. There were the usual "OOOh! Eric sudah datang!" squeals from the nurses. Sue Yi also made a new friend. There was another lady who was there for her son's jabs and she got to talking with wifey. Then they do the normal mummies with their kids thing. You know, the "Sophie, say Hi to your friend la" and vice versa. (As if lah Sophie will suddenly say "Hey Wassup Dude!") I think probably must be a new experience for Sue Yi as she started to get excited and talk to the other baby. I guess it's a good thing too as that got her into a cheerful mood (and unknowing of the impending jab)
The jab itself was pretty uneventful, wifey asked me to hold her this time and i held her down. She complained a bit about being held down and cried a bit when the needle went in. but less than 30 seconds later she was back in her good mood. Silly girl must have a veruy short memory for pain...
