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Friday, October 06, 2006

of oysters and sea cucumbers...

We went for our regular checkup the other day. For this round, we were pretty excited because we might get to know if baby will be a little sweet seductress of a chick or a hunk of a stud (I would like to say like his father but I cannot lie). We were told that if we were lucky we should be able to find out by the last visit, but that did not materialize as the doctor were not able to see. So, it’s pretty obvious that we are damn excited about this visit.

One of my colleague told me that she did not know the gender of her son until the eight month because he was tightly crossing his legs and that got me a bit worried too. But she did suggest that if baby is crossing his/her legs, probably I should give a slap on wifey’s tummy to wake him up. Hmmmm sounds interesting…
Then there was this one time that I was having lunch with another colleague and came up with the idea that maybe I should get wifey to watch a bit of porn before the good doctor scans her. You know, just to get the little guy of the little guy excited so that we can see it.

In any case both wifey and I don’t really have a strong preference for a boy or a girl as long as it is not half and half. Wifey said that maybe a girl will be good because then, she can dress her up. Me, I am not really sure. Boy also good, can whack him if he is naughty. Girl also good, because then she’ll be daddy’s girl.
Mom in law says that probably a boy, but I think probably a girl from the way wifey’s face looks.

So anyway, back to the doc’s appointment, doc scanned wifey’s stomach and by now we can see baby’s legs and arms. Then doc scanned from another angle and can see baby’s spine and ribs. At the back of my mind I was amazed and was also thankful. ”hmmm a clear and distinct spine. Baby is definitely not going to grow up into a spineless chickensh*t of a coward. Baby’s got spine”. And of course wifey and I blurted the customary oohsss and aaahhs as we go view the image. What I find amazing is that everything seem so clear and obvious and in place. Baby seem so real to us.

Then the doctor turned the direction of the scan and seem to be taking some time maneuvering around. I think he is trying to determine the gender, but he is like taking forever. I almost felt like saying ”enough with the messing around already, oyster or sea cucumber?” but of course I didn’t. Anyway, doc finally stopped maneuvering and pointed and say, “here you can see the tighs and in between you can see and determine if boy or a girl’”. “Do you want to know?”. Wifey and I almost simultaneously said yes. And doc said 95% is a girl. Why 95%? Will baby have a 5% of a birdie dangling about? Which 95% of baby will be girl and which 5% will be boy? Anyway, I guess doc is just saying this 95% because things are never certain and he do not wanna to be liable for all the girlie stuff wifey is going to buy and only to find out that he made a mistake. So looks like I’m going to have a girl. Phew! Wifey will be the one who have to talk to her about the birds and bees when she grows up ;)

Note: now that I think about it, baby’s thighs really do look like a couple of sea cucumbers.

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