of duckies and froggies...

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

of the bestest feeling in the world...

It has been a long day today, but i am not complaining. My day started at 2.45am this morning when wifey woke me up to tell me that her water bag broke. It's now 9.42pm and i just got back from the hospital.

Here's the result that we got at the end of the day. Everyone stand up and say hi to Sue Yi!

it's been a long day. I'll do a longer blog entry later.

Wifey and I yould like to thank everyone who have supported and prayed for us. We do truly believe that it will be messier, more painful and unbearable, more stressful and noisier if it hadn't been for your support and prayers. Do continue to pray for us as we step into this new world with Sue Yi.
