Sunday, April 29, 2007
of haircut and boyish look...
We were initially quite apprehensive as we don't know how she will react to her hair being cut so we were kinda prepared. As soon as we entered the saloon, she was like her normal self in new environment. She looked everywhere and was very quiet. Then the moment came. She was initially oblivious of things, but when the hair trimmer came and made contact with her head, she cried and cried and cried. Even the lau ees who were dyeing and perming their hair laughed at her. Poor Sue Yi. But 10 minutes later, it's all done.
Check out the results:
I think she looks a bit boyish after the cut, but in retrospec, you don't see many bald girls ddo you.
Anyway, to mark the occasion and just for fun, i shaved my head too.
Labels: milestones
Monday, April 23, 2007
of letters and boring places...
We took you to the absolutely without a doubt most horrendously boring place in the world last Saturday. Mommy and I have been talking bout this for the past few weeks and we have decided that last week was probably the right time to take you out for an excursion. I have always thought that probably we can go to a cool place like Youth Park or the Botanical Gardens but mommy was skeptical as she is worried about what viruses those promiscuous monkeys might be carrying and if they will infect you. Besides, mommy also worried that the smell of monkey poo might overwhelm you.
Since we can’t go to the coolest place, we decided to go to the most boring place, specifically the shopping mall. In this case Queensbay mall. I have the faintest idea on why people would want to go there. People just walk around aimlessly stopping from one shop to another. Some of the weaker ones also got voodoo’ed into parting with their money in exchange for stuff that they don’t really need and have a use for. Then there is the pesky people who walk up to you and say that you absolutely need to have a credit card to compensate for something missing in your life. Or young chiku sales man with too much gel on his hair that run up to you yelling “Free for life, Free for life”. Trust me, you don’t need all those la. So that’s why till today I still dunno why people go to shopping malls (except to see what humiliation teenagers incur on themselves by dressing weirdly, but that’s another story).
Mommy got this tip from one of the mommies that she met in the confinement center. Her friend mentioned that she took her baby to the mall early in the morning as there are not that many people there. We thought that that is a good idea because with lesser people, it will mean less people will laugh at us if you decide to cry and make us manic like headless chicken.
So, early Saturday morning, we got you all prep up. Make sure that you have poot poot’ed. Bathe you, fed you and put you to nap for a while. But I guess you must have had a premonition of the impending boredom that you kinda overslept (I wonder if there is such a thing for babies). Anyway, we only got to leave the house at 11.30am.
Anyway, as it turns out, the whole outing was pretty uneventful. You slept throughout and was not bothered by the noise at all. We were able to go and shop for things without much worries and disruptions at all. Some over zealous promoter came over to play kuci kuci with you and say how cute you were. I guess she must be wondering how can a baby as cute as you come from two fugly parents. Must be some recessive gene. You just seem to be in your own sweet dreams while we went about shopping. I mean it’s no surprise that you fell asleep right, after all it’s just the most boring place in the world.
The only glitch that we encountered was that you woke up as we were about to leave and was asking for your milk and to compound to the situation, we totally forgot which floor we parked the car. So your presence and you feeling about the boredom of the place was announced through your cries on the 3rd, 4th and 5th floors.
So I guess that’s it. We have suspected that you will not like the shopping mall and it will bore you to sleep. This weekend have definitely proven that. So next time, we promise that we will only take you to the shopping mall if we absolutely need to ok? (exception: maybe once in a while to show off to people that we got a cute baby la)
So after reading this letter, why not show your appreciation to your daddy for saving you from that boring place with a hug.
Labels: letters to girl girl, milestones
Sunday, April 15, 2007
of jabs and the empress...
Anyway, back to the clinic. After the consultation is the moment of truth. We were told to go to another room, and that is the you-know-what room. The nurse asked wifey to hold Sue Yi while she prepare the medication. First it’s the oral thing, no problem there, but Sue Yi, being the Empress that she is still managed to protest and cried out. Then came the jab. It’s suppose to go to the thigh but the needle was really long. It was as though it can poke thru Sue Yi’s thigh and come out the other end!! Anyway, it didn’t poke through the other side. And like any baby, Sue Yi let out the most heart wrenching rendition of her portfolio of cries. Wifey were all paled up but have to toughen up so that she can comfort Sue Yi. But surprisingly, her crying did not last long. By the time I got back from the pharmacy next door, she has stopped crying. I guess Diva Sue Yi, wants to protect her image. Musn’t be over flamboyant.
Anyway, her fever from the jab was mild and it passed it’s course smoothly so thanks everyone for your prayers.
Labels: jabs, milestones
of Mobster look and right hand...
Mobster look Sue Yi
Dopey faced Sue Yi
I think she is dreaming of doing one of those Madonna 'Vogue' pose
For some strange reason, she likes to raise her right hand as if to answer soem question...
"Bye Folks!"
Labels: Baby photos
Saturday, April 07, 2007
of Easter Sunday and that "i got time" guy in astro...
OK now that we got some idea of what Good Friday is, let’s see what’s Easter Sunday means. Easter Sunday is basically the day Jesus Christ was resurrected (rose from the dead). Yes, for real, he died and came back. Now tell me how many people you know that can do that? So what is the significance you might ask. Well, quite a lot. In fact some folks believe this is as important (if not more ) than Christmas day itself. The resurrection proves that Jesus Christ is no ordinary dude. He is the real mc coy. He da man. It proves that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that he has power over all. So there you have it. Now you can go out and sit with your buddies in the cafeteria and show off your new found knowledge.
Labels: easter
of busy and updates...
Wifey and I went for our last appointment with Dr Tan last Monday. It’s a normal standard checkup and wifey is Dr Tan said that everything is ok. So I guess that means that We have reach a milestone of sorts i.e., the end of wifey’s pregnancy phase. Something interesting that I heard from Dr Tan is that we have to be careful as the first 6 months, wifey will be very fertile else we will be seeing him sooner that we think. I find the word fertile interesting because I always associate it with agriculture and that sort of thing. So having it used in this context is kinda new to me. Something ran thru my mind was that, does he mean that if I get a changkul and throw in a mango seed, I can expect a mango tree to grow out of wifey in a few weeks?
Leader and Isaac’s mommy (my friends from work) came and visit Sue Yi today. I must say that Sue Yi is such a pretender. She behaved so well, smiled on cue and coo and make all the right baby moves at all the right time. She did it so well that they commented that she is so behaved. Im my mind, I was just thinking “just you wait until she starts crying in the evening and let me hear your opinion again”. In any case I guess probably Sue Yi has her PR skills in good shape.
Today I logged in and checked my bank account and I am proud to announce that my apartment is all mine now. I have finally fully cleared my house loan. It’s such big burden lifted off my shoulder. Something akin to that first bowel movement after a few days of constipation. It’s as if something have been taken off from me and I am now free. This reminds me to an IM conversation I had with Zowiy a few years ago. I was telling her jokingly that I will be bankrupt after my wedding as there are so many things that needs money. Her respond was pretty interesting. She mentioned that “Tak tau kenapa, tapi biasanya orang lepas kahwin atau lepas beranak, rezeki depa akan datang.” I don’t quite believe her at that time but ir seems to work out that way for me. I can’t say that after our wedding I got suddenly rich, but somehow or another, things seems to work itself out. Then I was chatting with her again the other day on the cost of having a baby, and I was reminded of that phrase. Again I wouldn’t say that I hit jackpot or anything, but it seems like things will work out too. I got a little bit of raise in salary starting this month and now the house loan is cleared. So my advise to all is that if you want it made, go get married and have a kid (or maybe two). I can’t guarantee that you will be rich financially, but I am pretty sure you will be rich emotionally.
Labels: milestones, misc
of letters and two months...
Today you are officially two months old.
Mommy is out in the living room sorting out some photos to bring to the kedai photo to be printed. Looking back at the photos, it’s pretty amazing to note how much you have grown.
Your face is much rounder now, the patch of skin on your head have healed completely and hair have started to grow. Your forehead has more hair now (much to the relief of poh poh).
Let’s see what else:
You are starting to practice your facial expression and needless to say, you have the sweetest smile that will send the unsuspecting straight to the dentist’s chair. And talking about your smile, you will sometimes smile at the oddest times, sometimes halfway through drinking your milk you will stop and smile. I’ll shake my head coz I dunno to be happy or tell you to stop and continue drinking.
You can follow the movements of objects in front of you with your eyes and turn your head to follow through but your attention span is still pretty short as you will lose focus if the object moves out of your field of vision.
You can recognize voices, especially especially of mommy’s. Even when sometimes when you are about to fall asleep, if you were to hear mommy outside, your eyes will open up and your expression will be as if you are trying to listen to what mommy is saying.
You are taking 3 1/2oz of milk now but still have that bad habit of stopping right before it finishes and leaving just a little bit in the end.
You truly enjoys your bathtime. Mommy says that every time she tells you that it’s pom pom time, you will smile and get all excited.
You still have issues with gas (colic) and your worst times are between 6.30 to 9pm every night. You will cry and cry and won’t be comforted. You will ‘kek’ or push so much that your face will turn red. By now, it’s a miracle that our neighbours still have not called the jabatan Kebajikan and report us for abuse.
You like to kick into the air when you get excited. I call it cycling and you can do that for up to an hour. Sometimes it just seems that you are ‘kan cheong’ about something and will be like kicking and breathing heavily. Maybe you are in a rush to go somewhere, but for the time being (or at least until you can earn your own income) I will be dictating where you will go ;)
We will be taking you to the govt clinic for the 2nd month shots next Monday. We went last Monday as it was a replacement holiday but the nurses there told us that it’s still too early and they can’t give you your shots. I am a bit concern on how we will handle the fever that normally associates with the shots. Let’s hope and pray that it will be a mild and fast one for you.
These two months have been nothing less than an emotional roller coaster and it has been a good ride. I’ll be looking forward to continue on this ride with you and experience every dips and peaks with you.
Come over for a hug will ya?
Labels: letters to girl girl
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Both of them have not change much and they also mentioned that I have not change. I guess they were probably telling half truths as I recall having hair during my secondary school days. I have not seen Adam for obvious reasons (distance) but both Steven and I think that it’s peculiar that although we worked in the same company, we don’t really see each other. I guess it’s probably because our office were in different buildings but I guess it also says a lot about working in a big company and how it affects the interaction between employees.
I think actually it also says something about me as well. I kinda realize that I am not really the kind of person who is able to sustain long friendship with ex schoolmates or varsity mates. I think it’s more to that ‘Out of sight’ kinda thing. Not that I deliberately chose not to maintain contacts, but I guess sometimes when you don’t see each other and when we are all doing different things, the conversation topics seem to wear thin. So I guess these kind of meetings that we had last Sunday became more fun for me in a way and in fact there are lots of things that we can talk about. We still hate our school, we still wish we can maim or at least kill some of our seniors, we still think the basketball team is a joke and we still think that our school's HM is a HM (as in Horse Manure).
Therefore, I think I do value friends and the friendships that I have but I guess there is a flaw where I don’t seem to be able to maintain those that I seldom meet with, but I guess no one is perfect.
Labels: friends
of sushi and shopping...
Btw, Sue Yi, if you are reading this, I just want to inform you that actually shopping malls are not what they cracked up to be. It is just a place where they pump in cold air while people walk around from one shop to another. It is pretty much a boring place with crowds and people everywhere. Besides, you might be tempted to buy something that you like, which you will ask me for money, which I will most probably say no, which will make you not happy, which will be awkward because I am the best daddy in the world (at least to you). So let’s save all the emotional trauma and take my word for it ok? No point wasting your time (and my money) on shopping la.
Labels: milestones
of fingernails and cannot tahan...
We* tried to cut Sue Yi’s finger nails last Saturday. We have noticed that her nails are getting longer and longer and quite pointy too. Sue Yi also has the habit (I guess like all babies) of scratching her face and also grabbing to us when we feed her. So the long fingernails is becoming an issue as she will easily scratch her face. Now we don’t want her to grow up with scarred face, do we?
So after cannot tahan anymore, we* decided that something had to be done and we* took the nail clipper and do it. First to go is the thumbnail on her right hand. Wifey distracted her while I went in for the cut. Prior to this I have did her left hand without incident, so I was feeling a bit
Labels: fingernails, Sue's traits