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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Met up with 2 of my old schoolmates last Sunday. Adam have been in the US for more than 10 year was was back for vacation, while Steven works in the same company as I am in now. I think we have not seen each other for more than 9 years and it was actually quite fun talking about school days. There is the occasional email jokes and updates, but that’s basically about it.
Both of them have not change much and they also mentioned that I have not change. I guess they were probably telling half truths as I recall having hair during my secondary school days. I have not seen Adam for obvious reasons (distance) but both Steven and I think that it’s peculiar that although we worked in the same company, we don’t really see each other. I guess it’s probably because our office were in different buildings but I guess it also says a lot about working in a big company and how it affects the interaction between employees.
I think actually it also says something about me as well. I kinda realize that I am not really the kind of person who is able to sustain long friendship with ex schoolmates or varsity mates. I think it’s more to that ‘Out of sight’ kinda thing. Not that I deliberately chose not to maintain contacts, but I guess sometimes when you don’t see each other and when we are all doing different things, the conversation topics seem to wear thin. So I guess these kind of meetings that we had last Sunday became more fun for me in a way and in fact there are lots of things that we can talk about. We still hate our school, we still wish we can maim or at least kill some of our seniors, we still think the basketball team is a joke and we still think that our school's HM is a HM (as in Horse Manure).
Therefore, I think I do value friends and the friendships that I have but I guess there is a flaw where I don’t seem to be able to maintain those that I seldom meet with, but I guess no one is perfect.
